July was quite a month! First, I attended comic-con, which was super fun as always. The coming attractions are always great to see, I went to some portfolio reviews and got some good feedback, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, I wore a Dark Knight costume that I spent a month making myself (I even took a life cast of my head and sculpted the mask etc!) Here's a pic of me with Wolverine.

I'm really happy with how it came out, BUT could it be better?! We'll see by halloween! (The answer is yes it can)
I've also FINALLY started doing sketches on the toned paper I bought months ago at Pearl. Nothing too serious, mainly just light studies of toys and various objects around my room, but I hope to do some finished pieces soon. Here, in keeping with this post's Dark Knight theme, is one I did of Batman, first the sketch itself and then the colored version I did real quick in painter.

I'm pretty happy with the effects I can get with this technique and really look forward to doing more work like this in the future.
All that being said... The Dark Knight was SO good. The End.
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