So good news! A wonderful couple out in Florida stumbled across my blog searching for Speed Racer images and have decided to commission a Speed Racer inspired piece for their son's room.
Anyway, it's day one and I've sketched out what will be my Mach 5 knock-off. Also pictured is my trusty sketchbook and some thumbnails. The finished piece will include the car as a centerpiece and 4 panels to the side depicting other aspects of the race and a close-up shot of the boy.

I actually took quite a few cues from a 70's Hot Wheel car called "Second Wind." Apparently Mattel was interested in releasing a Mach 5 at the height of the Speed Racer cartoon's popularity but couldn't secure the rights. They re-released the car in 1997 (pictured below). The Mach 5 stylings are clear.

All in all I'm pretty happy and excited about everything so far. More updates will be coming!